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The Benefits Of Using A Calendar To Schedule Your Time

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Assantewa Heubi
Assantewa Heubi

The benefits of using a calendar to schedule your time

Calendars are a lot like salt; they help to enhance the flavor of life. The benefits of using a calendar to schedule your time can be experienced almost instantly. Using a calendar to schedule your time helps to ensure that meetings don't run over and all parties are set up for success. This is great because it allows you to be the most productive, engaged, and innovative version of yourself. However, calendars can be used for so much more than just scheduling time during your workday. Using a calendar to schedule your time is one of the easiest ways to reduce your stress levels and work towards achieving your goals and dreams. This frees up resources, so that you can invest in yourself, your relationships, and experience more of life. Let's take a moment to explore the top three benefits of using a calendar to schedule your time.

Number One

Using a calendar to schedule your time helps to build and reinforce a habit of mindfulness. Instead of having goals and ideas floating around in your mind, you're logging them in a concrete way and therefore bringing them out of the realm of thought and into reality hence, creating a habit of mindfulness. This is helpful because it allows you to live more of your life in the present moment, rather than dwelling in the past or ruminating on the future.

Number Two

Using a calendar to schedule your time is great for your health. Life is busy, and often one of the first things to slip through the cracks is personal care. We often forget to invest in our health when taking care of other matters related to work and family. When you use a calendar to schedule time to the gym, the dentist, or just read a good book, you’re making sure your health isn’t pushed to the side. The simple truth of the matter is that if you don't schedule the time, you’re more likely to deprioritize it.

Number Three

Using a calendar to schedule time for your relationships is one of the best ways to show your friends and family how much you care. Every moment of our life, no matter how mundane, is precious, so it means a lot when you commit to sharing that time with others. It might seem like a small thing to schedule a 20-minute conversation once a week with a grandparent, but for them, it's huge; in fact, it might be the highlight of their week.

So, now that we've finished covering the benefits of using a calendar to schedule your time, there's only one thing left to do, put it into action. You can start the process by using a calendar scheduling app like

What's is an open-source scheduler that integrates with your existing digital calendars like Apple, Outlook, and Google. is great because it lets you set custom availability, and booking an appointment is as simple as sending a link. In addition, Cal's also privacy-compliant, so you know that your data always belongs to you. Click the link below to sign up for an account so you can start experiencing the benefits of using a calendar to schedule your time.

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